Environment Variables

Environment Variables

Environment Variables and Secrets work slightly differently in Cloudflare deployed projects.
Instead of a .env file, you use the .dev.vars file to store your secrets and environment variables.
The .dev.vars works exactly like a .env file in terms of syntax, so if you have a .env file in your project, you can simply rename it to .dev.vars and it will work as expected.


If you call a variable like process.env.MY_SECRET in your frontend facing code, it will not be hidden in the browser, regardless of whether it is prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ or not

Preview and Production Environment


Follow the guide here to add secrets to your project in the Cloudflare dashboard: Adding Secrets (opens in a new tab)


To add variables to your project, you can add them to the wrangler.toml file like this:

MY_VARIABLE = "my-value"

On your next deployment, the variables will be available in your project.