


If you intend to only use OAuth for authentication, you can skip this step.

An email provider is required to send transactional emails such as password resets, email confirmations, and other notifications.

Email Providers

There are many email providers to choose from. You can add your own email provider or use the ones already integrated with Cloudstarter.

Here are some of the email providers that are already integrated with Cloudstarter:

  • Plunk - Free tier available with 1000 emails per month and $0.001 per email after that.


Create an account on Plunk (opens in a new tab) and get your API key. Add the following environment variables to your .dev.vars file:


Add the key to your project in Cloudflare as well by following the steps here.

In mail/provider/index.js file, make sure this line is uncommented:

export * from "./plunk"

That's it! You have successfully added Plunk to your project.